Facilitation Projects
Young Artists Club OKR
As part of the OKR arts club I ran Y.A.C. a bimonthly arts club for young people aged 15-18 and local to the area. The aim of these sessions was to collaborate with artists from the local area and provide free workshops for young people. We wanted to form a creative space where the content was formed by the members, allowing them to take ownership over the group. The club’s activities have been shaped by the interests of the members and mostly consisted of special guest workshops led by local creatives and exhibition visits. Over the year we explored augmented reality, screen printing, used a professional photography studio, generated collaborative comics, created our own radio show and built a stage set, plus much more.
Young Artists Club was made possible thanks to kind support from crowdfunders and a project grant from the GLA.

Working with Kew Gardens ‘Youth Forum group’. The purpose being to reach young people aged 14-18 who might not have previously visited Kew or had similar opportunities in the past. to develop and deliver a series of art workshops about around Zine making as a tool to amplify and communicate their thoughts and feelings on sustainability and the importance of plant life. This resulted in a public workshop run by the young people and a collaborative publication that I designed together with the group.
As a result of this project, I also created a series of three learning resources for Kew to use at their CPD days.
Mural Project
with University Academy of Engineering South Bank, 2021
In collaboration with Tom Scotcher and Rodrigo Domingoes we ran a mural project at UAE, a secondary school in Walworth. We ran 2 active design workshops
with year 8 students and played around with ideas for the mural, which the school wanted to reflect the personalities of the students.

House of Illustration
12 week schools residency, 2019
A project delivering illustration based workshops to children at Stanhope primary school. The brief was to explore the theme of ‘British Values’ in a fresh and innovative way. As part of the project the children responded to objects and narratives that were personal to them through drawing and Monoprinting. This project resulted in an exhibition for friends and family.

As a teacher in a college, the impact of the pandemic on young people in particular, has felt overwhelmingly profound. As a result, I wanted to create an informal space where young people could feel welcomed, and hopefully form new friendships and connections with other people in the local community. As the programme has evolved and changed shape, the core of YAC has stayed the same – to nourish each individual’s creativity, connect with a local arts community and move away from a traditional arts curriculum.. but most importantly, have fun!! I have gotten to know a group of thoughtful and heartfelt young people over the past year and learned so much in the process. Thank you to all those who have been involved.